Friday, December 4, 2009

Recession... my views...!!!

Welcome back! As promised, I am posting my write-up on Recession. This is not an article, or a story. I am sharing excerpts from my diary.

Your inputs will make this more interesting. So send in your creative, innovative thoughts. Here you go!

Recession! This has become a buzz word now-a-days. People discuss more about recession than cricket, politics and saas-bahu serials. Someone might not feel offended if you use F word against that person, but ask a simple question, "How is Recession impacting you?" and people feel offended, weird but true.

It all begins with one big company filing for bankruptcy, and declaring debts that they could not pay. These debt amounts run into billion of dollars. I wonder how these amounts reach to so astonishing heights and no one notice it, before a company voluntarily surrendering. Are the US norms so weak that they do not have any control or supervision on such big financial institutions? US is great, they could find life on Mars, invent water on Moon, but they fail to spot irregularities in fund management by crucial companies, shocking and surprising, right?

You will say why one company's fate decides economy of all countries? The reason they give is it’s because we are part of 'Global Economy'. I don’t understand this at all. If we are really part of global economy, then why downfall of Zimbabwe or Tanzania's economy do not affect any other economy?

The very first step to combat Recession is "Cost Cutting". Corporates 'cut cost' wherever possible. Things like free transport, news papers, and magazines become a past. I know a company which has given a quota for each employee for using toilet papers. I wonder what the employees would be doing once they run out of their budgeted quota.

The next step is recruitment freeze and hold increments of employees. Surprisingly employees do not complain and rather feel grateful as they still have a job. Something unusual. Some companies do offer increment, which are even lesser than peanuts. I overheard this conversation in a train between two colleagues.

1st: Hey, you know what? I got increment in this time of Recession
2nd: Wow! Amazing man, even me too!
1st: Great, how much you got?
2nd: 1.28 percent, buddy it feels great, I am so happy. I could buy one extra burger every month now. How about you?
1st: I am luckier than you, I got more, 1.31 percent. I could now buy some toilet papers once I run out of my budgeted quota.

The ultimate stage in Recession is lay-offs. Companies term it diplomatically as "down sizing". I wonder if the word is 'down sizing', then why it does not start from top? Down sizing always start from bottom, with laying off juniors. The common method id Last In First Out (LIFO). If you are the last one to join a company, is it your fault? Yes, in times of Recession.

Every morning people read news papers to check how many employees have been laid off, and from which company. I guess every night employees will be praying, "Oh God, give me one chance, please don’t publish my company’s name in tomorrow’s new paper saying they are laying off. If I am still in the job, tomorrow, I will offer you half candle. Try to understand, recession time, cost cutting time, so just half candle."

There are many effects of Recession. Difficulty in getting job for freshers, to job less people, all kind of problems we face.

Have you ever imagined what will happen if Recession hits heaven and hell? God will have to fire few angels. There will be less people dying on earth. May be there will be tax to go to heaven. I wonder if Gods will announce stimulus package.

Could you think of somehting else? Time to get creative, innovative and think something hatke. Send in your inputs on what will happen if Recession hits heaven and hell. I am sure we will have amazing inputs. Your time starts now!

Friday, November 20, 2009

शायरी की डायरी से...

Hi Friends,

Thank you for super response to my blog. All your comments, feedbacks, emails, calls with critisism, appreciations are really helpful. Keep sharing those things.

Most common question asked by most of you is when I will be posting something new. To make is simple, I've locked 2 days. I am going to post something new on 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. Now you know when to check for my new write-ups.

So my next post will be on 04-Dec-09. Its going to be another short story, a story about Recession and its impact. A kind of a situation which you could never imagine. It revolves around.... wait a moment... I think I am giving away too many details. If you really want to find out what the story is all about, visit my blog on 04-Dec-09.

Today I am posting few of my shayaris. As I told you in "Curtain Raiser", I started my writing with hindi shayaris. I write shayaris mainly on 3 things, 'प्यार-मोहब्बत', 'दर्द-ए-दिल' and 'ज़िन्दगी'.

Here are few of my shayaris, a mix of all moods. Try to read these shayaris with emotions, and expressions in your voice and mood... आराम से.... बोलना हलके हलके... Imagine as if you are reading these for your loved one.

If you like these shayaris, use them to impress your हमदम ;)

Suggest me if you feel I should write on something specific. I will try to write as per your फरमाइश. Till then enjoy Prashant kii "शायरी की डायरी से..."

आप जब पास नहीं होते,
तो ज़िन्दगी में अधूरी हर बात लगती है..!
आसमान में चाँद पूरा होता है,
और हमको अमावस की रात लगती है...!!!
कल बारीश में भीगते हुए, तेरा ही एहसास पाया,
हर पल मेरी ज़िन्दगी का जैसे मेरे साथ मुस्कुराया..!
देखा जब मैंने ऊपर बरसते हुए आसमान को,
बारीश की हर बूँद में तेरा ही चेहरा नज़र आया...!!!
कैसा येह मुक़द्दर का खेल है, जहाँ उन्हें मिलते थे,
रोज उन्ही रास्तों पे चलते है, उन्ही गलियों से गुजरते है..!
रोज उन जगहों पर रूक कर हम खून के आँसू रोते है
रोज उनकी याद तडपाती है, रोज एक नयी मौत मरते है...!!!
उनको जिताने के लिए हम उनसे हारते चले गए,
उनकी हर तमन्ना पूरी करने हद से गुज़रते चले गए..!
वोह हर पल अपने आप को सवांरते चले गए,
हम उनके लिए अपने आप में बिखरते चले गए...!!!
ऐ ज़िन्दगी हमसे तू भी थोड़ी सी दिल्लगी कर ले,
सामने है तेरे, हमें अपनी आगोश में भर ले..!
ना जाने कब मौत छीन ले जाए हमे तुझसे,
आज साथ है तेरे, जी भर के हमें प्यार कर ले...!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

My Blind Date With Death...!!!

-: My Blind Date With Death :-

Last week I saw a dream.  The dream was about a romantic affair….. myself going on a blind date….. only to find out…. that my blind date is…. none other than..... my own Death!

I always wondered how my death would look like. I thought she would be scary, ugly and would frighten me.

To my surprise, she was pretty. She had an amazing glow on her face. She had a double chin, just like me. Her long hairs were covering some part on the left side of her face. She was extraordinarily beautiful. I had never seen such a beauty.

Two things caught my attention. Her eyes were full of 'life'…. and she had sweet a 'killer' smile. Prominent, and yet Contradicting.

We were sitting next to each other on a lonely beach. Evening’s sunshine was giving a golden touch to the sand.

She was continuously gazing at me, as if she was silently expressing her desire towards me. She was smiling, as if she wanted to kill me with her smile. So magical and attractive was her smile that I kept wondering what to speak.

The waves and winds were talking to each other and wanted us to join in, by saying something.

With a sigh, I broke the silence and asked, "What should I call you Dear Death?

She smiled, as if she appreciated my initiative to speak up. Pretending to be surprised, she said
"Oh! So you know who I am? Whatever you call me, you may give me various names, the truth still remains the same!"

I nodded and suggested,
"May I call you 'My Life'?"

She looked amazed, wanting to say something but may be couldn’t find the words and just kept quiet.

I continued,
"So my Life, shall we move? Tell me where to?"

She responded in a witty voice,
"You always wanted to see me, go with me. This would be your final date…. Your date with destiny!" and She winked at me.

There was a mischievous spark in her eyes. I could clearly see it as I was looking straight into her eyes.

I replied calmly,
"Would go the way you want, so you take this ahead. I am anyways not a good planner, and want to see what you have in store for me!"

I paused for few seconds, “There is a formality to ask for a last wish” I said and smiled at her.

She looked at me with wider smile, as if she was having heavenly pleasure. She held my left hand with her right hand.  This was the first time she touched me. It was a 'warm' touch, which sent 'cold' vibes through my body and mind.

She then fiddled with my hair, touched my cheek and tapped on my nose with her left hand, still holding my left hand.

She said
"I know your last wish dear. You want all the happiness for that one special person in your life." 

I was amazed and yet confused, how did she know… this seemed like an illusion to me. My vision got blurred, I felt like my Life was going away from me.

At that moment, she wiped my tears and held my shoulder tightly. I broke down and hugged my Life, as tight as I could.

To my surprise, She was just sitting idle, no sense of reaction from her. I urged “Come on, hold me, hug me. I am all yours, take me with you.”

With a firm voice, she asked,
"Then what about your last wish?"

I was startled and said
"What does this mean?"

She replied
"All the suffering, sorrow and pain you are going through is a result of special person in your life. That person has asked this for you".

I was so stunned that I pinched myself. What I heard was real, still my mind was not ready to believe this.

She continued,
"Yes, and at this moment prayers and wishes of that person are so stronger than yours that I can’t take you with me. You have to live life like this, which you feel like hell. No escape from this for long. Hence I can’t give you any relief".

Looking at my nervous face, she said,
"Don’t worry honey, I am always with you. You will be able to see me every day.  I will fascinate you. You may feel that I am teasing you or hurting you by not taking you away with me, but I am helpless."

Then she got up holding my hand. She took me in knee deep water in the sea. The Sun was about to set, giving a feeling like it was melting into the sea.

She held my arms, and whispered in my ears,
"I can't see you like this, but this is what you chose. If you want to make that person happy, you have to live like this. You would live in pain every moment, and in every moment, you have to die every millisecond."

I was in sheer shock. I tried to recover. I shook my head and said,

उनकी तमन्ना पूरी करने के लिए,
हम मौत के साथ भी जी कर देखेंगे..!
खुश रहे वोह और पूरी हो उनकी दुआ,
इस लिए हर पल में हज़ार मौत मर कर देखेंगे...!!!

'My Life' was shocked with this unexpected reply. She looked deep into my eyes. That spark and wittiness was all gone. Her eyes were getting wet.

She was hardly able to look at me. Then suddenly she kissed me, passionately… …. again and again.... with more n more passion..... and……. and……. and I opened my eyes.

I was back in the real world from my dream. I felt like I had just experienced a ‘Kiss of Death’! I had just enjoyed this surprise date with Death, oh oh, I mean ‘My Life’, as I named her.

I sat down, thinking about this unforgettable date I had and started to have a feeling that someone is with me…. a companion… who will always be with me now.

I wondered if this dream would ever come true… I would love to go on this date. I smiled, thinking about ‘My Life’, and got up to get ready for my daily routine, with a thought….

एक ही दुआ अब मांगनी है हर रोज़,
काश हमारी तड़प से उनका दिल भर जाए..!
रेहेम आए मौत को कभी तो हम पर,
और मौत हमे अपने साथ ले जाए...!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"A Curtain Raiser"... Exclusive Pre-release Edition...!!!

-: The Beginning :-

You must have heard stories about how people accidentally start doing some weird things. I mean things such as start painting, start cooking, start telling truth to wife, start appreciating mother-in-law or boss, start loving Rakhi Sawant, start liking Emran Hashmi’s  acting etc.

One such weird thing happened to me, I started writing. I still remember, those were the happy days (read – ‘I was still a bachelor’). It was an evening, I was coming home from office, in a crowded local train. While reading a news paper, all of a sudden, my mind and heart started playing with few words. I added few more words of my own and…. Kaboom! I had just thought of my first hindi shayari.
(Warning – Don’t you dare to ask who was the inspiration behind that first shayari. Remember, my wife reads my blog)

I wanted to note it down somewhere before I forget. I searched for a piece of paper in my pockets, couldn’t find any. At last, I wrote my first shayari on a newspaper, and since them I am writing (but not on news paper anymore).

I diagnosed myself with this new founds disease, “Writeria”. This disease took me through many stages, every time adding something new.  Next stage after shayari was writing Marathi charoli (charoli is a poem of 4 lines, in simple words, it is Marathi shayari). Then came the stage of writing Marathi poems. In current stage I am writing short stories.

Next stage could be writing……… well, would let you know very soon.

-: The Build-up :-

Few months after I got into writing, I began sharing my write ups within a closed group of few friends (do not read – ‘to impress girls’. Reference – ‘My wife reads my blog’).  Friends started appreciating, giving feedback on my write ups. They even played role of good critics.

Gradually the closed group started expanding. Friends started asking what is new you have written, send us, we are waiting. This encouraged me to try something new, write more (Now you know whom to blame if you do not like my writing).

-:Why this Blog:-

I tried to be consistent, by regularly writing something new and sharing it within my group of friends. One of my good friend suggested I should start blogging with my writing stuff. (Note – do not read too much in between ‘good friend’. Reference – ‘My wife reads….’). I was least interested.

Then same suggestion came from few more friends. At last, after continuous effort for almost a year, I got convinced and decided to blog. (Again, you know whom to blame to this blog).

-: Credits :-

The entire credit for this blog goes to all my friends who encouraged me, supported me, and helped me. The contribution from them came in a way of feedback, suggestions, appreciation, criticism for my writing. Also few Friends assisted to configure this blog, trained me how to post on blog and so on.

I would take this opportunity to thank all those contributors. I would mention their names on this blog very soon. Thank You Friends! You made this possible. I dedicate this blog to you all!

I would also thank my wife (I have to. Smart readers must have got the ‘reference’ by now).

-:Whats Next :-

 On Friday I am launching my blog, with my first post. Life is full of surprises…. and shocks. With my first post, lets see whether you get surprised or shocked.

To start with, I am posting one of my short story. This is very dear to me. The story is about me and my date. This date is someone very special, you would never ever expect such a beautiful date. The story has few unusual shades, and fanatical climax. The title of the story is……. aah aah… I think title reveals it all. So I would not tell you the title.

Find out who is my date… on Friday… in my first ever official post… on my own blog!

Feel free to post your comments, sometimes it is good to praise someone with your lies.
Your honest feedback, suggestions would help me to improve my writing.
Circulate this blog amongst your friends, let them suffer too!

See you on Friday...!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A new Dawn.... of a new Era...!

A new Dawn in my writing career is here..!
Would start posting my write-ups very soon...!!!